Career Prep
Career Prep
Learning Outcomes
- Hoʻomohala (develop) awareness for individual skills and values that articulate towards transferable work-related skills in a variety of career fields.
- Develop critical thinking for improved communication skills in the workplace.
- Attain awareness of basic workplace expectations, including legal requirements for professional behavior.

Career Pathway Explorations
With so much going on in the world today, focused career decision making is more important than ever. In this course we will explore the elements to consider when choosing a career pathway. Which job best suits me? What schedule would you like? What level of responsibility works best for you? How much do you need to earn to support the lifestyle you want? These questions and many more will be examined and answered in this online class.
This 12.5-hour course will be delivered using all of the following formats:
Synchronous Online - Participants meet together in real time via ZOOM. Mandatory class sessions will happen on the first and last dates, TBD.
Asynchronous Online - Participants are to complete the self-paced online modules, between the start and end dates.
Dates: TBD
Class meets: TBD
Location: Online
Cost: $125
(12.5 hours: 2 hours mandatory class meeting; 10.5 hours self-paced online course to be completed within a 1-week period.)
For more information about this class please fill out the Contact Form below.
This 12.5-hour course will be delivered using all of the following formats:
Synchronous Online - Participants meet together in real time via ZOOM. Mandatory class sessions will happen on the first and last dates, TBD.
Asynchronous Online - Participants are to complete the self-paced online modules, between the start and end dates.
- Active email address per participant (no sharing)
- Access to desktop or laptop computer
- Access to reliable high speed internet (min. 512k)
- Device with camera, microphone & speaker for video conferencing
- Most recent updated browsers
Dates: TBD
Class meets: TBD
Location: Online
Cost: $125
(12.5 hours: 2 hours mandatory class meeting; 10.5 hours self-paced online course to be completed within a 1-week period.)
For more information about this class please fill out the Contact Form below.

Workplace Essentials Series - Workplace Ready Certificate Program
This program is designed to prepare participants to enter the workforce with the tools and skills needed to make good work-related decisions, habits, and professional ethnics. This basic preparation course is geared towards individuals who are new to the workforce or those seeking to advance beyond entry-level positions. In order to receive a certificate students must pass 7 of 10 Workplace Essentials courses.
Participants will gain an understanding of workplace essentials topics in the following courses:
Asynchronous Online - Participants are to complete the self-paced online modules between start and end dates.
Synchronous Online - Participants meet together in real-time on designated dates and times.
Date: TBD
Meets: TBD
Cost: TBD
If you are interested in this course please fill out the Contact Form below and Join our Mailing List.
Participants will gain an understanding of workplace essentials topics in the following courses:
- Increasing Self-esteem and Assertiveness
- Employee Accountability
- Increasing Productivity
- Collaborating with Co-workers
- Responsible Digital Citizenship
- Celebrating Diversity
- Anger Management
- Bullying
- Harassment
- Social and Emotional Intelligence
Asynchronous Online - Participants are to complete the self-paced online modules between start and end dates.
Synchronous Online - Participants meet together in real-time on designated dates and times.
- Active email address per participant (no sharing)
- Access to desktop or laptop computer
- Access to reliable high speed internet (min. 512k)
- Device with camera, microphone & speaker for video conferencing
- Most recent updated browsers
Date: TBD
Meets: TBD
Cost: TBD
If you are interested in this course please fill out the Contact Form below and Join our Mailing List.
Join our email list to receive program updates.
If you have any questions please fill out the contact form below or call (808) 235-7433.